Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para achieving en español


achieve verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
achieved, has achieved, is achieving, achieves
lograr, alcanzar, conseguir, realizar

Ejemplos de uso de
achieve verb

  • They achieved high scores on their math tests.
  • With much practice, she has achieved a high level of skill.
  • They achieved high scores on their math tests.
  • We give students the skills they need in order to achieve in college.
  • This is a diet that achieves dramatic results.

Sinónimos detallados para achieve verb

Ver: Perform, Reach

Traducción inversa para achieving

lograr  - to get, to obtain, to achieve, to attain 
alcanzar  - to reach, to suffice, to be enough, to catch up with, to achieve, to attain 
conseguir  - to get, to obtain, to achieve, to attain, to manage to 
realizar  - to carry out, to execute, to produce, to direct (a film or play), to fulfill, to achieve, to realize (a profit)