Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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2 Resultados de traducción para action en español

noun | interjection

action noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
acción, acto, hecho; actuación, comportamiento; demanda; movimiento; combate; trama; mecanismo

Ejemplos de uso de
action noun

  • He was critical of the government's actions before the war.
  • a military action against another country
  • She tried to explain her actions.
  • In Las Vegas, I like to get in on the poker action.
  • I accept full responsibility for my actions.
  • The situation demanded immediate action.
  • The problem may require military action.
  • The school took disciplinary action against the drunken students.
  • They decided that no further action was necessary.
  • We need to agree on a plan of action.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Cuando gente es called into action, se les pide empezar a trabajar o hacer una tarea específica.

Sinónimos detallados para action noun

Ver: Battle

action interjection

unfavorite favorite play sound

Frases relacionadas para action

Traducción inversa para action

acción  - action, act, deed, share, stock 
acto  - act, deed, act (in a play) 
hecho  - fact, event, act, action 
actuación  - performance, (slang) gig 
comportamiento  - behavior, conduct 
demanda  - demand, petition, request, lawsuit 
movimiento  - movement, motion 
combate  - combat, fight, boxing match 
trama  - plot, weave, weft (fabric) 
mecanismo  - mechanism