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3 Resultados de traducción para aggregate en español

verb | adjective | noun

aggregate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
aggregated, has aggregated, is aggregating, aggregates
juntar, sumar

Ejemplos de uso de
aggregate verb

  • The Web site aggregates content from many other sites.
  • over time, her petty thefts aggregated a significant shortfall in the company's books

aggregate adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
total, global, conjunto

Ejemplos de uso de
aggregate adjective

  • The university receives more than half its aggregate income from government sources.
  • The team with the highest aggregate score wins.

aggregate noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
agregado, conglomerado; total, conjunto

Ejemplos de uso de
aggregate noun

  • numerous episodes of pilferage, taken in the aggregate, can really add up to a significant sum

Sinónimos detallados para aggregate noun

Ver: Sum
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Traducción inversa para aggregate

juntar  - to unite, to combine, to put together, to collect, to gather together, to assemble, to close partway 
sumar  - to add, to add up, to add up, to add up to, to total 
total  - total, complete 
global  - global, worldwide, full, comprehensive, total, overall 
conjunto  - joint 
agregado  - aggregate, addition, something added, attach?, assistant professor 
conglomerado  - conglomerate, conglomeration 
total  - total, whole 
conjunto  - collection, group, ensemble, outfit, whole, entirety