Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para amending en español


amend verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
amended, has amended, is amending, amends
mejorar, enmendar; corregir

Ejemplos de uso de
amend verb

  • The country's constitution was amended to allow women to vote.
  • They voted to amend the law in 1920.
  • He tried to amend the situation by apologizing to me.

Sinónimos detallados para amend verb

Ver: Correct

Traducción inversa para amending

mejorar  - to improve, to get better, to improve, to make better 
enmendar  - to amend, to emend, to correct, to compensate for 
corregir  - to correct, to emend, to reprimand 
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