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1 Resultado de traducción para appreciate en español


appreciate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
appreciated, has appreciated, is appreciating, appreciates
apreciar, valorar; apreciarse, valorizarse; agradecer; darse cuenta de, entender

Ejemplos de uso de
appreciate verb

  • The company strives to make its employees feel appreciated.
  • Living in the city has taught me to appreciate the differences between people.
  • Those who appreciate fine wine will enjoy reading the restaurant's wine list.
  • I really appreciated the information you gave me.
  • Your help the other day was greatly appreciated.
  • The tiny creature contributes to its ecosystem in ways we are only just beginning to appreciate.
  • I don't think you appreciate the complexity of the situation.
  • I appreciate what the artist is trying to do, but I think the painting fails to do it.

Sinónimos detallados para appreciate verb

1. Appreciate, value, prize, treasure, cherish, esteem significan tener en gran estima.
  • Appreciate suele connotar un entendimiento suficiente para permitir el disfrute o la admiración de la excelencia de una cosa <she appreciates fine wine>.
    antonyms: despise
  • Value indica tener una buena opinión de una cosa por su valor intrínseco <he values our friendship>.
  • Prize indica tener mucho orgullo en, o dar mucho valor a, algo que se posee <most people prize their freedom>.
  • Treasure recalca el salvaguardar celosamente algo que se considera precioso <she treasured these mementos of her youth>.
  • Cherish indica el amor y atención especial hacia un objeto de apego <she cherishes her children above all>.
    antonyms: neglect
  • Esteem implica establecer un alto valor en una persona <no citizen of the town was more highly esteemed>.
2. Ver: Understand
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Traducción inversa para appreciate

apreciar  - to appreciate, to value, to appraise, to assess 
valorar  - to evaluate, to appraise, to assess, to value, to appreciate 
apreciarse  - to appreciate, to increase in value 
valorizarse  - to appreciate, to increase in value 
agradecer  - to be grateful for, to thank 
entender  - to figure out, to understand, to think, to believe, to mean, to intend, to infer, to deduce