Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para approach en español

verb | noun

approach verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
approached, has approached, is approaching, approaches
acercarse a; acercarse, aproximarse; aproximarse a; abordar, dirigirse a; enfocar, considerar

Ejemplos de uso de
approach verb

  • The cat approached the baby cautiously.
  • Ease off the gas pedal to slow down as the bend in the road approaches.
  • We are approaching the end of the fiscal year.
  • This weekend we're expecting temperatures approaching 100 degrees.
  • The success rates approach 90 percent.
  • He has a wild laugh that sometimes approaches hysteria.
  • a reproduction that approaches the quality of the original painting
  • The supervisor is quite easy to approach, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.
  • We were advised to never be too aggressive when approaching a potential client.

Sinónimos de
approach verb

Sinónimos detallados para approach verb

Ver: Match

approach noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
acercamiento, aproximación; enfoque, planteamiento; propuesta, oferta; acceso, vía de acceso

Ejemplos de uso de
approach noun

  • We are trying a more healthy approach.
  • The cat made a cautious approach.
  • The quiet afternoon was interrupted by the approach of a motorboat.
  • A loud growl warned us of the bear's approach.
  • With the approach of summer came longer, hotter days.

Sinónimos de
approach noun

Traducción inversa para approach

acercarse  - to approach, to draw near 
aproximarse  - to approach, to move closer 
abordar  - to address, to broach, to accost, to waylay, to come on board 
enfocar  - to focus (on), to consider, to look at 
considerar  - to consider, to think over, to judge, to deem, to treat with respect 
acercamiento  - rapprochement, reconciliation 
aproximación  - approximation, estimate, rapprochement 
enfoque  - focus 
planteamiento  - approach, position, explanation, exposition, proposal, suggestion, plan 
propuesta  - proposal 
oferta  - offer, sale, bargain 
acceso  - access, admittance, entrance