Average es, exacta o aproximadamente, el cociente obtenido por la división de la suma total de un conjunto de cifras por el número de éstas <scored an average of 85 in a series of five tests>. antonyms: maximum, minimum
Mean puede ser un promedio, o puede representar un valor intermedio entre dos extremos <an annual temperature mean of 50°>.
Median se aplica al valor que representa el punto en el cual se encuentra el mismo número de valores superiores a él, como inferiores <if five people earn $30, $40, $50, $80, and $100 a day, respectively, the mean is $60, but the median is $50>.
Norm denota el promedio calculado o estimado de rendimiento de un grupo, clase o grado considerablemente grande, e indica una pauta de referencia <in general maturity she's far above the norm for her age>.
Midpoint significa simplemente un punto en el centro, ya sea en el espacio o en el tiempo <the crowd begins to leave after the midpoint of the final period>.
averaged, has averaged, is averaging, averages
hacer un promedio de; calcular el promedio de, promediar (en matemáticas)
Ejemplos de uso de
•The teacher averaged the students' grades.
•What figure do you get when you average the amount of rainfall for the last three months?
medio; comun, ordinario
Ejemplos de uso de
•Take all these temperatures and find their average temperature.
•The investment had a higher average return.
•The average age of the company's employees is 36.
•The average woman lives longer than the average man.
•Do you know what the average person earns?
•the average American family buyer
•Sales were about average for the industry on the whole.
•Average grades are not good enough to get you into graduate school.