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2 Resultados de traducción para bargaining en español

noun | verb

bargaining noun

unfavorite favorite

bargain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bargained, has bargained, is bargaining, bargains
regatear, negociar; trocar, cambiar

Ejemplos de uso de
bargain verb

  • They bargained with the car salesman for half an hour before agreeing on a price.
  • They bargained with the car salesman for half an hour before settling on a price.
  • The price listed is quite high, but the seller might be willing to bargain.

Sinónimos de
bargain verb

Traducción inversa para bargaining

regateo  - bargaining, haggling 
regatear  - to bargain, to haggle, to haggle over, to skimp on, to be sparing with 
negociar  - to deal, to do business, to negotiate 
trocar  - to exchange, to trade, to change, to alter, to transform, to confuse, to mix up 
cambiar  - to change, to change, to exchange, to trade 
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