Base indica un elemento subyacente que apoya o aparenta apoyar, algo material o inmaterial <the base of a column>. antonyms: top
Basis, de significado similar, se asocia muy raramente con cosas materiales y suele conllevar una implicación más clara de apoyo <used these beliefs as the basis of her argument>.
Foundation tiende a indicar solidez por parte de lo que subyace, y estabilidad y fijeza por parte de lo que se apoya <the theory rested on a foundation of facts>. antonyms: superstructure
Ground connota solidez y suele indicar un sustrato comparable a la tierra en su capacidad de apoyo, y en ocasiones, de justificación <argues that all these actions were grounds for dismissal>.
Groundwork puede aplicarse a una infraestructura pero se usa primordialmente en sentido figurado <laid the groundwork for future negotiations>. antonyms: superstructure
Substructure casi siempre indica una base física <the bridge's substructure was damaged in the crash>.
Underpinning puede significar una base física o no física <debating the moral underpinnings of the government's policy>.
based, has based, is basing, bases
basar, fundamentar, establecer
Ejemplos de uso de
•They are going to base their new company in Seattle.
•The company has based itself in London.
•Our tour group based itself in a hotel in the heart of the city.
•You've based your opinion on wrong information.
base, pilar; fundamento
Ejemplos de uso de
•The company does not hire employees on the basis of their race, sex, age, or religion.
•The sole basis for the rumor is someone's overactive imagination.