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2 Resultados de traducción para belligerent en español

noun | adjective

belligerent noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

belligerent adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
agresivo, beligerante

Ejemplos de uso de
belligerent adjective

  • He was drunk and belligerent.
  • the coach became quite belligerent and spit at an umpire after being thrown out of the game

Sinónimos detallados para belligerent adjective

Belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, combative, quarrelsome, contentious, hostile, antagonistic significan tener una actitud agresiva o truculenta.
  • Belligerent indica estar activamente en guerra o comprometido en hostilidades <he had drunk too much and his tone was becoming belligerent>.
    antonyms: friendly
  • Bellicose connota una predisposición a pelear <Hitler's bellicose speeches threatening Germany's neighbors>.
    antonyms: pacific, amicable
  • Pugnacious connota una predisposición a disfrutar el combate personal <as a student he was small but muscular and pugnacious>.
    antonyms: pacific
  • Combative, de modo parecido a pugnacious, connota una predisposición a pelear por un motivo legítimo <he became increasingly combative under questioning>.
  • Quarrelsome recalca una disposición malintencionada de pelear sin motivo determinado <the heat and discomfort made us all quarrelsome>.
  • Contentious indica una afición perversa y molesta por discutir y pelear <a contentious personality>.
    antonyms: peaceable
  • Hostile indica oposición activa y poco amistosa <regarded the blockade as a hostile act>.
    antonyms: friendly
  • Antagonistic implica el mostrar oposición u hostilidad <negotiators find it difficult to deal with such antagonistic groups>.

Traducción inversa para belligerent

agresivo  - aggressive 
beligerante  - belligerent 
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