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merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para brewing en español


brew verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
brewed, has brewed, is brewing, brews
fabricar, elaborar (cerveza); preparar, hacer (té, etc.); tramar, maquinar, fomentar

Ejemplos de uso de
brew verb

  • They brew the beer on the premises.
  • The restaurant also brews its own ginger ale and root beer.
  • They've been brewing in the new brewery since March.
  • I'll brew another pot of tea.
  • It feels like there's a storm brewing.

Sinónimos de
brew verb

Traducción inversa para brewing

fabricar  - to manufacture, to make 
elaborar  (cerveza) - to make, to produce, to devise, to draw up 
preparar  - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach 
hacer  (té, etc.) - to act, to make, to do, to perform, to force, to oblige 
tramar  - to plot, to plan, to weave 
maquinar  - to plot, to scheme 
fomentar  - to foment, to stir up, to promote, to foster 
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