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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para brush en español

noun | verb

brush noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
maleza; cepillo, pincel (de artista), brocha (de pintor); roce; escaramuza
word of the day image

Ejemplos de uso de
brush noun

  • Use a wire brush to clean the metal pipe.

Sinónimos de
brush noun

brush verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
brushed, has brushed, is brushing, brushes
cepillar; barrer, quitar con un cepillo; rozar

Ejemplos de uso de
brush verb

  • Don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed.

Sinónimos de
brush verb

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Verbos frasales para brush

Frases relacionadas para brush

Traducción inversa para brush

maleza  - thicket, underbrush, weeds 
cepillo  - brush, plane (for woodworking) 
pincel  (de artista) - paintbrush 
brocha  (de pintor) - paintbrush 
roce  - rubbing, chafing, brush, graze, touch, close contact, familiarity, friction, disagreement 
escaramuza  - skirmish, scrimmage 
cepillar  - to brush, to plane (wood) 
barrer  - to sweep 
rozar  - to chafe, to rub against, to border on, to touch on, to graze, to touch lightly