Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para calling en español

noun | verb

calling noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
vocación, profesión

Ejemplos de uso de
calling noun

  • He had always felt a calling to help others.
  • He experienced a calling to enter the priesthood.

Sinónimos detallados para calling noun

Ver: Work

call verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
called, has called, is calling, calls
gritar, vociferar; llamar, convocar; visita, visitar; llamar por teléfono, telefonear; apodar

Ejemplos de uso de
call verb

  • He called to passersby for help.
  • She called up to her husband, who was at the top of the stairs.
  • Her husband called back down to her.
  • She saw her friends across the street and called over to them.
  • He called her name in his sleep.
  • The birds were calling as the sun rose.
  • I call once a week to talk to my parents.
  • Where are you calling from?
  • May I say who's calling?
  • I try to call my parents at least once a week.
¿Sabes lo que significa call on?
  • To call on (someone) significa pedirle a alguien que responda una pregunta.
¿Sabes el significado de call off?
  • To call off significa cancelar (un evento, reunión, etc).

Sinónimos detallados para call verb

Ver: Summon, Visit

Frases relacionadas para calling

Traducción inversa para calling

vocación  - vocation 
profesión  - profession 
gritar  - to shout, to scream, to snap out, to cry 
vociferar  - to shout, to yell 
llamar  - to name, to call, to call, to summon, to phone, to call up 
convocar  - to convoke, to call together 
visita  - to visit 
visitar  - to visit 
telefonear  - to telephone, to call 
apodar  - to nickname, to call