Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para clasped en español


clasp verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
clasped, has clasped, is clasping, clasps
sujetar, abrochar; agarrar, abrazar

Ejemplos de uso de
clasp verb

  • She clasped her purse shut.
  • He clasped the keys to his belt.
  • He clasped her hand gently.
  • She clasped her son in her arms.

Sinónimos de
clasp verb

Traducción inversa para clasped

sujetar  - to hold on to, to steady, to hold down, to fasten, to attach, to subdue, to conquer 
abrochar  - to button, to fasten 
agarrar  - to grab, to grasp, to catch, to take, to grapple 
abrazar  - to hug, to embrace 
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