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1 Resultado de traducción para coaxing en español


coax verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
coaxed, has coaxed, is coaxing, coaxes
engatusar, persuadir

Ejemplos de uso de
coax verb

  • It took almost an hour to coax the cat down from the tree.
  • She tried to coax a raise from her boss.
  • He was unable to coax an answer out of her.
  • He coaxed the fire to burn by blowing on it.
  • The plant is difficult to coax into bloom.

Sinónimos de
coax verb

Sinónimos detallados para coax verb

Coax, cajole, wheedle, blandish, soft-soap, sweet-talk significan influenciar o instar suavemente mediante halagos o caricias.
  • Coax connota un rogar suave y diestro en el intento de lograr uno sus propósitos <coaxed them into staying for dinner>.
    antonyms: bully
  • Cajole connota el atraer o tentar mediante engaños <cajoled by his friend into trying the exotic dish>.
  • Wheedle recalca el uso de la palabra suave, el halago seductor o la tentación <wheedled the old man out of his money>.
  • Blandish connota la adulación patente y el uso obvio del encanto para ganarse a alguien <shamelessly blandishing her wealthy customers>.
  • Soft-soap se refiere al usar un hablar suave y un poco insincero generalmente para ganancia personal <politicians soft-soaping eligible voters>.
  • Sweet-talk significa usar adulación y frecuentemente coqueteo para convencer a otra persona a hacer algo <he tried to sweet-talk her into falsifying the account>.
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Traducción inversa para coaxing

engatusar  - to coax, to cajole 
persuadir  - to persuade