Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para compounded en español


compound verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
compounded, has compounded, is compounding, compounds
combinar, componer; agravar, aumentar

Ejemplos de uso de
compound verb

  • The interest is compounded at regular intervals.
  • we compounded our error by waiting too long to call for help

Sinónimos de
compound verb

Sinónimos detallados para compound verb

Ver: Increase

Traducción inversa para compounded

combinar  - to combine, to mix together, to match, to put together 
componer  - to fix, to repair, to make up, to compose, to compose, to write, to set (a bone) 
agravar  - to increase (weight), to make heavier, to aggravate, to worsen 
aumentar  - to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise