Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para cooked en español


cook verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cooked, has cooked, is cooking, cooks
cocinar; preparar (comida)

Ejemplos de uso de
cook verb

  • Cook the onions over low heat.
  • She cooked a great meal.
  • The fish was cooked in a white wine sauce.
  • Carrots can be cooked, but they are often eaten raw.
  • We're too busy to cook at home.
  • He enjoys cooking on the weekends.
  • The rice is still cooking, but it will be ready in 10 minutes.
  • There's something cooking, but he won't say what.
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Traducción inversa para cooked

cocinar  - to cook 
preparar  (comida) - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach