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1 Resultado de traducción para crashing en español


crash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
crashed, has crashed, is crashing, crashes
estrellar; estrellarse, chocar; (argot) pasar la noche, quedarse frito, colarse; entrar en crisis; retumbar, resonar

Ejemplos de uso de
crash verb

  • She crashed the car into a tree, but no one was hurt.
  • He has crashed two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle.
  • Investigators are still trying to determine why the airplane crashed.
  • We listened to the waves crashing against the shore.
  • The stuntman crashed through the window on a motorcycle.
  • The walls crashed down around them.
  • The books crashed to the floor.
  • The cymbals crashed and the trumpets blew.
  • Thunder crashed as the rain started to pour.
  • He crashed the cymbals together.

Sinónimos de
crash verb

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Traducción inversa para crashing

estrellar  - to smash, to crash 
estrellarse  - to crash, to collide 
chocar  - to crash, to collide, to shake (hands), to clash, to conflict, to clink glasses, to be shocking, to be unpleasant or obnoxious 
pasar la noche  (argot)
colarse  - to sneak in, to cut in line, to gate-crash, to slip up, to make a mistake 
retumbar  - to boom, to thunder, to resound, to reverberate 
resonar  - to resound, to ring