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1 Resultado de traducción para criticise en español


criticize verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
criticized, has criticized, is criticizing, criticizes
criticar, analizar, evaluar; reprobar

Ejemplos de uso de
criticize verb

  • His boss criticized him for his sloppy work habits.
  • The judge was widely criticized for his verdict.
  • The editor criticized the author's work as trite.
  • It seems as though all he ever does is criticize.

Sinónimos detallados para criticize verb

Criticize, blame, censure, condemn, denounce, pan, roast, rap, reproach, castigate significan señalar las faltas manifiestamente.
  • Criticize indica señalar faltas particularmente con métodos o intenciones <criticized the police for using violence>.
    antonyms: praise
  • Blame puede indicar simplemente lo opuesto a la alabanza, pero connota con más frecuencia el asignar responsabilidad o culpabilidad por una maldad <blames herself for the accident>.
  • Censure, a diferencia de blame, conlleva una indicación más fuerte de autoridad, y de una reprimenda más o menos formal <a Senator formally censured by his peers>.
    antonyms: commend
  • Condemn connota una decisión final e incondicional que es desfavorable y despiadada <condemn the government's racial policies>.
  • Denounce añade a condemn la connotación de una declaración pública <stood and denounced the war>.
  • Pan, un término informal, implica criticar severamente algo tal como un libro o una película, generalmente en una crítica <the Post's critic panned the new thriller>.
  • Roast sugiere criticar a alguien severamente, pero frecuentemente de manera bromista <friends and family roasted him at his 40th-birthday party>.
  • Rap, un término informal, indica criticar bruscamente a alguien o algo en público <the report raps the organization for failing to develop a satisfactory plan>.
  • Reproach connota un regaño leve <she reproached her daughter for her selfishness>.
  • Castigate significa regañar o criticar a alguien severamente <the judge castigated the lawyers for their lack of preparation>.

Traducción inversa para criticise

criticar  - to criticize 
analizar  - to analyze 
evaluar  - to evaluate, to assess, to appraise, (figurative) to take stock 
reprobar  - to condemn, to disapprove of, to fail (a course) 
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