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2 Resultados de traducción para crop en español

noun | verb

crop noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
buche (de un ave o insecto); fusta (de jinete); cosecha, cultivo
word of the day image
A farmer expresses her happiness as she harvests her crops.

Ejemplos de uso de
crop noun

  • Corn is their main crop.
  • They sprayed the crops with a pesticide.
  • The teachers got ready for a new crop of students.
  • a new crop of horror movies

Sinónimos de
crop noun

crop verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cropped, has cropped, is cropping, crops
recortar, cortar

Ejemplos de uso de
crop verb

  • The picture was cropped badly.
  • We had to crop the image to fit it into the frame.
  • Her hair was cropped short.

Sinónimos de
crop verb

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Verbos frasales para crop

Frases relacionadas para crop

Traducción inversa para crop

buche  (de un ave o insecto) - crop (of a bird), belly, gut, mouthful 
fusta  (de jinete) - riding crop 
cosecha  - harvest, crop 
cultivo  - cultivation, farming, crop 
recortar  - to cut, to reduce, to cut out, to trim, to cut off, to outline 
cortar  - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk)