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3 Resultados de traducción para cut en español

noun | verb | adjective

cut noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
corte; tajo, cortadura; rebaja, reducción

Ejemplos de uso de
cut noun

  • Make a few small cuts in the crust to let the air escape.
  • a two-inch cut in the cloth
  • He came home covered in cuts and bruises.
  • Further cuts in spending are needed.
  • You'll have to make a few cuts in your manuscript if you want us to publish it.

Sinónimos de
cut noun

cut verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cut, has cut, is cutting, cuts
cortar; cortarse; recortar; cruzar, atravesar; acortar, abreviar; reducir, rebajar

Ejemplos de uso de
cut verb

  • He uses the ax to cut wood.
  • He is cutting a piece of string.
  • The meat is so tender you can cut it with a fork.
  • Cut along the dotted line.
  • The saw easily cuts through metal.
  • She cut into the melon with a knife.
  • I cut myself while shaving.
  • I had a cut finger.
  • We were fighting, and he tried to cut me with his knife.
  • Pieces of broken glass cut her face and arms.

Sinónimos de
cut verb

cut adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Verbos frasales para cut

Frases relacionadas para cut

Traducción inversa para cut

corte  - court, cut, cutting, style, fit 
tajo  - cut, slash, gash, steep cliff 
cortadura  - cut, slash 
rebaja  - reduction, discount 
reducción  - reduction, decrease 
cortar  - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk) 
cortarse  - to cut oneself, to be cut off, to sour (of milk) 
recortar  - to cut, to reduce, to cut out, to trim, to cut off, to outline 
cruzar  - to cross, to exchange (words, greetings), to cross, to interbreed 
atravesar  - to cross, to go across, to pierce, to lay across, to go through (a situation or crisis) 
acortar  - to shorten, to cut short 
abreviar  - to abbreviate, to shorten, to cut short 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
rebajar  - to reduce, to lower, to lessen, to diminish, to humiliate