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merriam webster

3 Resultados de traducción para cutting en español

adjective | verb | noun

cutting adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
cortante; mordaz

Ejemplos de uso de
cutting adjective

  • He made a cutting remark about my family, and I haven't spoken to him since.
  • a frigid day with a cutting wind that made it seem even colder

Sinónimos de
cutting adjective

Sinónimos detallados para cutting adjective

Ver: Incisive

cut verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
cut, has cut, is cutting, cuts
cortar; cortarse; recortar; cruzar, atravesar; acortar, abreviar; reducir, rebajar

Ejemplos de uso de
cut verb

  • He uses the ax to cut wood.
  • He is cutting a piece of string.
  • The meat is so tender you can cut it with a fork.
  • Cut along the dotted line.
  • The saw easily cuts through metal.
  • She cut into the melon with a knife.
  • I cut myself while shaving.
  • I had a cut finger.
  • We were fighting, and he tried to cut me with his knife.
  • Pieces of broken glass cut her face and arms.

Sinónimos de
cut verb

cutting noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
esqueje (de una planta)

Ejemplos de uso de
cutting noun

  • Take some cuttings from the plant and put them in water.
  • a bag full of grass cuttings

Frases relacionadas para cutting

Traducción inversa para cutting

cortante  - cutting, sharp 
mordaz  - caustic, scathing 
cortar  - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk) 
cortarse  - to cut oneself, to be cut off, to sour (of milk) 
recortar  - to cut, to reduce, to cut out, to trim, to cut off, to outline 
cruzar  - to cross, to exchange (words, greetings), to cross, to interbreed 
atravesar  - to cross, to go across, to pierce, to lay across, to go through (a situation or crisis) 
acortar  - to shorten, to cut short 
abreviar  - to abbreviate, to shorten, to cut short 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
rebajar  - to reduce, to lower, to lessen, to diminish, to humiliate 
esqueje  (de una planta) - cutting (from a plant)