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1 Resultado de traducción para decent en español


decent adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
decente, decoroso, correcto; vestido, presentable; pudico, modesto; adecuado

Ejemplos de uso de
decent adjective

  • He is a decent guy who would help anyone in need.
  • He is a decent guy who would help anyone in need.
  • You need to do the decent thing and tell her what happened.
  • Are there any decent schools in that area?
  • I've got to get some decent clothes.
  • I don't understand how so decent a person could be involved with this kind of crime.

Sinónimos de
decent adjective

Sinónimos detallados para decent adjective

Ver: Chaste

Traducción inversa para decent

decente  - decent 
decoroso  - decent, proper, respectable 
correcto  - correct, right, courteous, polite 
presentable  - presentable 
pudico  - chaste, modest 
modesto  - modest 
adecuado  - suitable, appropriate, adequate