Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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5 Resultados de traducción para dice en español

verb | noun | plural noun | noun | verbo

dice verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
diced, has diced, is dicing, dices
cortar en cubos

Ejemplos de uso de
dice verb

  • Dice the potatoes and add them to the soup.
  • quickly diced some peppers and onions and threw them into the stew

die noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
dado; troquel, cuño; matriz, molde

Ejemplos de uso de
die noun

  • Each player throws one die.
  • he rolled the die, hoping for a six

Sinónimos de
die noun

dice plural noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

dice noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
dice noun

  • In this game, each player rolls the dice to see who plays first.
  • They were shooting dice in one of the bar's back rooms.
  • Chop the onions into ¹/₄-inch dice.

decir verbo

to say; to tell; to speak, to talk; to call

Frases relacionadas para dice

  • slice and dice - (figurado) desmenuzar, dividir en partes más pequeñas

Traducción inversa para dice

troquel  - die (for stamping) 
cuño  - die (for stamping) 
matriz  - uterus, womb, original, master copy, main office, headquarters, stub (of a check), matrix 
molde  - mold, form 
dados  - dice 
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