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1 Resultado de traducción para dimming en español


dim verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
dimmed, has dimmed, is dimming, dims
atenuar (la luz), nublar (la vista), borrar (la memoria), opacar (una superficie); oscurecerse, apagarse
word of the day image
When the lights are dimmed, the movie is about to start.

Ejemplos de uso de
dim verb

  • The latest setback has dimmed hopes of an early settlement.
  • Hopes of an early settlement have dimmed.

Traducción inversa para dimming

atenuar  (la luz) - to extenuate, to mitigate, to dim (light), to tone down (colors), to minimize, to lessen 
nublar  (la vista) - to cloud, to obscure 
borrar  (la memoria) - to erase, to blot out 
opacar  (una superficie) - to make opaque or dull, to outshine, to overshadow 
oscurecerse  - to darken, to dim 
apagarse  - to go out, to fade, to wane, to die down 
Word of the day

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