Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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2 Resultados de traducción para dithering en español

adjective | verb

dithering adjective

unfavorite favorite
titubeante, vacilante

dither verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
dithered, has dithered, is dithering, dithers
titubear, vacilar

Ejemplos de uso de
dither verb

  • We don't have time to dither.
  • She did not dither about what to do next.

Sinónimos detallados para dither verb

Ver: Hesitate

Traducción inversa para dithering

vacilante  - hesitant, unsure, shaky, unsteady, flickering 
titubear  - to hesitate, to stutter, to stammer 
vacilar  - to hesitate, to vacillate, to waver, to be unsteady, to wobble, to flicker, to joke, to fool around 
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