Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para dribbled en español


dribble verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
dribbled, has dribbled, is dribbling, dribbles
gotear; babear; driblar (en basquetbol)

Ejemplos de uso de
dribble verb

  • She dribbled across the basketball court.
  • Juice dribbled down his chin.
  • She accidentally dribbled wine onto the rug.
  • Dribble olive oil over the warm bread before serving.
  • He skillfully dribbled the soccer ball towards the goal.

Sinónimos de
dribble verb

Traducción inversa para dribbled

gotear  - to drip, to drizzle, to leak 
babear  - to drool, to slobber, to ooze 
driblar  (en basquetbol) - to dribble (in basketball) 
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