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1 Resultado de traducción para ducked en español


duck verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ducked, has ducked, is ducking, ducks
agachar, bajar (la cabeza); zambullir; eludir, evadir

Ejemplos de uso de
duck verb

  • The ceiling was so low I had to duck.
  • The ceiling was so low I had to duck my head.
  • He ducked his head so they wouldn't see him.
  • We can't afford to duck the issue any longer.
  • They've been ducking each other for months.
  • She ducked into a store when it started to rain.
  • He ducked around a corner.

Sinónimos de
duck verb

Sinónimos detallados para duck verb

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Traducción inversa para ducked

agachar  - to lower (a part of the body) 
bajar  (la cabeza) - to drop, to fall, to lower, to let down, to take down, to come down, to go down, to reduce (prices), to ebb (of tides), to lower, to bow (the head), to go down, to descend 
eludir  - to evade, to avoid, to elude 
evadir  - to evade, to avoid