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1 Resultado de traducción para extends en español


extend verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
extended, has extended, is extending, extends
extender, tender; extenderse; prolongar, prorrogar; agrandar, ampliar, aumentar; dar, ofrecer

Ejemplos de uso de
extend verb

  • He extended a hand in greeting.
  • He was sitting with both legs fully extended.
  • The table measures eight feet long when it is fully extended.
  • The table extends to eight feet in length.
  • The woods extend for miles to the west.
  • Their knowledge of the family's history extends back to colonial times.
  • Their influence extends well beyond their immediate circle of friends.
  • His popularity extends from coast to coast.

Sinónimos detallados para extend verb

Extend, lengthen, elongate, prolong, protract, stretch significan hacer más largo, o añadir (a algo) con el fin de extender la longitud.
  • Extend indica el hacer más largo en términos de espacio o de tiempo, y puede asimismo indicar un aumento de amplitud, ámbito, área, influencia o alcance <extend welfare services to more of the population>.
    antonyms: abridge, shorten
  • Lengthen connota un aumento de longitud, sea de tiempo o espacio <discussed lengthening the school year>.
    antonyms: shorten
  • Elongate suele indicar un aumento en la longitud espacial y connota a menudo un estiramiento <the dancer's ability to elongate her body>.
    antonyms: abbreviate, shorten
  • Prolong connota primordialmente un aumento en la duración, especialmente más allá de los límites usuales, normales o agradables <a prolonged illness>.
    antonyms: curtail
  • Protract añade a prolong indicaciones de ser innecesario, molesto o de duración indefinida <protracted negotiations on nuclear weapons>.
    antonyms: curtail
  • Stretch sugiere extender en largo o ancho <the road stretched for miles>, a veces enfatizando el extender hasta el punto de tensión <the budget had been stretched to its limit>.
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Traducción inversa para extends

extender  - to spread out, to stretch out, to broaden, to expand, to draw up (a document), to write out (a check) 
tender  - to spread out, to lay out, to hang out (clothes), to lay (cables, etc.), to set (a trap) 
extenderse  - to spread, to last 
prolongar  - to prolong, to extend, to lengthen 
prorrogar  - to extend (a deadline), to postpone 
agrandar  - to exaggerate, to enlarge 
ampliar  - to expand, to extend, to widen, to enlarge (photographs), to elaborate on, to develop (ideas) 
aumentar  - to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise 
dar  - to give, to suffice, to be enough, to deliver, to hand over, to hit, to strike, to yield, to produce, to perform, to give off, to emit 
ofrecer  - to offer, to provide, to give, to present (an appearance, etc.)