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1 Resultado de traducción para extravagant en español


extravagant adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
excesivo, extravagante; despilfarrador, derrochador, gastador; costoso, exorbitante
word of the day image
The dessert table featured an extravagant assortment of cookies.

Ejemplos de uso de
extravagant adjective

  • The company has been making extravagant claims about the drug's effectiveness.
  • The film is notable for its extravagant settings and special effects.
  • We're going on a less extravagant vacation this year.
  • Her extravagant spending has to stop.

Sinónimos detallados para extravagant adjective

Ver: Excessive
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Traducción inversa para extravagant

excesivo  - excessive 
extravagante  - extravagant, outrageous, flamboyant 
despilfarrador  - extravagant, wasteful 
derrochador  - extravagant, wasteful 
gastador  - extravagant, spendthrift 
costoso  - costly, expensive 
exorbitante  - exorbitant