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2 Resultados de traducción para faint en español

verb | adjective

faint verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
fainted, has fainted, is fainting, faints

Ejemplos de uso de
faint verb

  • He always faints at the sight of blood.
  • She almost fainted from the pain.
  • She suffers from fainting spells.

faint adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
cobarde, tímido; mareado; leve, ligero, vago; tenue, indistinto, apenas perceptible

Ejemplos de uso de
faint adjective

  • We heard a faint noise.
  • We noticed the faint glow of a distant light.
  • There was a faint smile on her lips.
  • There's just a faint chance that the weather will improve by tomorrow.
  • I'd better lie down; I feel faint.
  • She felt faint from hunger.
  • a faint reminder of their former greatness

Sinónimos de
faint adjective

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Traducción inversa para faint

desmayarse  - to faint, to swoon, to pass out 
cobarde  - cowardly 
tímido  - timid, shy 
mareado  - dizzy, lightheaded, queasy, nauseous, seasick 
leve  - light, slight, trivial, unimportant 
ligero  - light, lightweight, slight, minor, agile, quick, lighthearted, superficial 
vago  - vague, lazy, idle 
tenue  - tenuous, faint, weak, dim, light, fine, thin, slender 
indistinto  - indistinct, vague, faint