Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para fizzles en español

verb | noun

fizzle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
fizzled, has fizzled, is fizzling, fizzles
burbujear; fracasar

Ejemplos de uso de
fizzle verb

  • oozing gobs of grease, a pair of fatty burgers fizzled on the grill

Sinónimos de
fizzle verb

fizzle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
fracaso, fiasco

Ejemplos de uso de
fizzle noun

  • the home team's unexpected fizzle in that last game cost them the championship
  • the play was a fizzle, opening and closing the same night

Traducción inversa para fizzles

burbujear  - to bubble, to fizz 
fracasar  - to fail, to fall through 
fracaso  - failure, (figurative) train wreck 
fiasco  - fiasco, failure 
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