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1 Resultado de traducción para fresh en español


fresh adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
dulce; puro; fresco; limpio, nuevo; descansado; descarado, impertinente

Ejemplos de uso de
fresh adjective

  • You can use either fresh or dried basil for this recipe.
  • The meat was kept fresh in the refrigerator.
  • He brought home a bouquet of fresh flowers.
  • He changed into a fresh shirt.
  • She brought a fresh change of clothes.
  • She rose fresh from a good night's sleep.

Sinónimos detallados para fresh adjective

Ver: New, Saucy
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Traducción inversa para fresh

dulce  - sweet, mild, gentle, mellow 
puro  - pure, plain, simple, sheer, only, just 
fresco  - fresh, cool, insolent, nervy 
limpio  - clean, neat, honest, free, clear, net 
nuevo  - new 
descansado  - rested, refreshed, restful, peaceful 
descarado  - brazen, impudent 
impertinente  - impertinent, insolent, inappropriate, uncalled-for, irrelevant