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1 Resultado de traducción para gap en español


gap noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
brecha, disparidad; espacio, abertura; desfiladero, barranco; pausa, intervalo; laguna
word of the day image
The gap between the rich and poor is growing bigger.

Ejemplos de uso de
gap noun

  • The child had a gap between her two front teeth.
  • The gap between the lead runner and the rest of the field continued to widen.
  • The sheep got through a gap in the fence.
  • There are unexplained gaps in his story.
  • The class filled in the gaps in my knowledge of biology.
  • She had taken several years off to raise a family, so there was a large gap in her work history.

Sinónimos detallados para gap noun

Ver: Aperture
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Frases relacionadas para gap

Traducción inversa para gap

brecha  - gap, breach, gash 
disparidad  - disparity 
espacio  - space, room, period, length (of time) 
abertura  - aperture, opening, hole, slit (in a skirt, etc.), crack 
desfiladero  - narrow gorge, defile 
barranco  - ravine, gorge, canyon 
pausa  - pause, break 
intervalo  - interval 
laguna  - lagoon, lacuna, gap