Guide, lead, steer, pilot significan dirigir en algún curso o contexto o mostrar el camino a seguir.
Guide connota el conocer a fondo el camino a seguir, con sus dificultades y peligros <guided them through the complex and difficult procedure>. antonyms: misguide
Lead indica el ir adelante para mostrar el camino, y a menudo para mantener a los que siguen bajo control y en orden <leading her fourth-grade class down the street>.
Steer indica la capacidad de mantenerse en un curso deseado y recalca la capacidad de maniobrar correctamente <steered the ship through the narrow channel>.
Pilot connota un conocimiento o capacidad especial que se usa para guiar sobre un curso peligroso, intrincado o complicado <successfully piloted the bill through the Senate>.
guided, has guided, is guiding, guides
guiar, dirigir, conducir; aconsejar, orientar
Ejemplos de uso de
•He guided us around the city.
•He claims that there were unknown forces guiding the outcome of the election.
•He carefully guided the ship into the harbor.
•She guided her team to victory.
•Let your conscience guide you.
•Her example helped to guide me toward a career in medicine.
•In his work, he has always been guided by a desire to help other people.
•programs to help guide teenagers away from drug use
•She had a guiding influence on my decision.
•His guiding principle when he built his house was that bigger was better.