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1 Resultado de traducción para guiding en español


guide verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
guided, has guided, is guiding, guides
guiar, dirigir, conducir; aconsejar, orientar

Ejemplos de uso de
guide verb

  • He guided us around the city.
  • He claims that there were unknown forces guiding the outcome of the election.
  • He carefully guided the ship into the harbor.
  • She guided her team to victory.
  • Let your conscience guide you.
  • Her example helped to guide me toward a career in medicine.
  • In his work, he has always been guided by a desire to help other people.
  • programs to help guide teenagers away from drug use
  • She had a guiding influence on my decision.
  • His guiding principle when he built his house was that bigger was better.

Sinónimos de
guide verb

Traducción inversa para guiding

guiar  - to guide, to lead, to manage 
dirigir  - to direct, to lead, to address, to aim, to point, to conduct (music) 
conducir  - to drive a vehicle, to direct, to lead, to drive (a vehicle) 
aconsejar  - to advise, to counsel 
orientar  - to orient, to position, to guide, to direct 
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