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1 Resultado de traducción para harasses en español


harass verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
harassed, has harassed, is harassing, harasses
acosar, asediar, hostigar; molestar

Ejemplos de uso de
harass verb

  • She was constantly harassed by the other students.
  • He claims that he is being unfairly harassed by the police.
  • The troops harassed the defeated army throughout its retreat.

Sinónimos detallados para harass verb

Ver: Worry

Traducción inversa para harasses

acosar  - to pursue, to hound, to harass 
asediar  - to besiege, to harass, to beleaguer 
hostigar  - to harass, to pester 
molestar  - to be a nuisance, to annoy, to bother, to disturb, to disrupt 
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