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1 Resultado de traducción para held en español


hold verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
held, has held, is holding, holds
aguantar, resistir; tener; detener, controlar; ser válido, valer; agarrar, coger; sujetar, mantener fijo; contener, dar cabida a; sostener; considerar; celebrar (una reunión), realizar (un evento), mantener (una conversación)

Ejemplos de uso de
hold verb

  • Hold the rail so you won't fall.
  • He was holding a large package in his arms.
  • Would you hold this for me?
  • She showed him the correct way to hold the racket.
  • Some people just don't like to be held.
  • He held her close and kissed her.
  • He held the pen in his mouth while he dialed the number.
  • Hold the pen upright when you write.
  • She picked up the trophy and held it over her head.
  • You have to hold the button down for several seconds.

Sinónimos detallados para hold verb

1. Hold, grip, grasp, clutch significan el poder de obtener o mantener la posesión o el control de algo.
  • Hold se aplica ampliamente y puede indicar meramente la posesión o el control, o una posesión o un control que es mantenido firmemente <kept his hold on the investments>.
  • Grip connota con regularidad un agarre o un control firme o tenaz <finally loosened her grip on her children>.
  • Grasp difiere de grip primordialmente en connotar el poder de alcanzar para obtener la posesión o el control de algo <success was almost within her grasp>.
  • Clutch indica capturar y sostener con la avidez y tenacidad de un ave rapaz <trying to free him from this woman's clutches>.
2. Ver: Contain, Have
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Traducción inversa para held

aguantar  - to hold out, to last, to bear with, to tolerate, to withstand, to hold 
resistir  - to resist, to stand, to bear, to tolerate, to withstand 
tener  - to have, to hold, to feel, to make 
detener  - to arrest, to detain, to stop, to halt, to keep, to hold back 
controlar  - to control, to monitor, to check 
valer  - to be worth, to have value, to cost, to be valid, to count, to earn, to gain 
agarrar  - to grab, to grasp, to catch, to take, to grapple 
coger  - to seize, to take hold of, to catch, to pick up, to gather, to pick, to gore 
sujetar  - to hold on to, to steady, to hold down, to fasten, to attach, to subdue, to conquer 
contener  - to contain, to hold, to restrain, to hold back 
sostener  - to support, to hold up, to hold, to sustain, to maintain 
considerar  - to consider, to think over, to judge, to deem, to treat with respect 
celebrar  (una reunión) - to be glad, to celebrate, to hold (a meeting), to say (Mass), to welcome, to be happy about 
realizar  (un evento) - to carry out, to execute, to produce, to direct (a film or play), to fulfill, to achieve, to realize (a profit) 
mantener  (una conversación) - to support, to feed, to keep, to preserve, to keep up, to sustain, to maintain, to affirm