Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para hewing en español


hew verb

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hewed, has hewn, is hewing, hews
conformarse, ceñirse; cortar, talar (árboles); labrar, tallar

Ejemplos de uso de
hew verb

  • They hewed logs to build a cabin.
  • The walls are built of stones hewn by skilled craftsmen.

Sinónimos de
hew verb

Traducción inversa para hewing

conformarse  - to resign oneself, to comply, to conform 
cortar  - to cut, to cut, to slice, to trim, to break up, to cut out, to omit, to cut off, to interrupt, to hang up (the telephone), to block, to close off, to curdle (milk) 
talar  (árboles) - to cut down, to fell, to devastate, to destroy 
labrar  - to carve, to work (metal), to cultivate, to till, to cause, to bring about 
tallar  - to sculpt, to carve, to measure (someone's height), to deal (cards) 
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