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4 Resultados de traducción para home en español

noun | adverb | verb | adjective

home noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
casa, hogar, domicilio; residencia, asilo

Ejemplos de uso de
home noun

  • His home is a small apartment.
  • People are concerned about protecting their homes.
  • They have a second home on the lake.
  • There's no place like home.
  • I must have left my notes at home.
  • She made a good home for her husband and children.
  • The islands are home to many species of birds.
  • Can you find a home for these files in your office?

Sinónimos de
home noun

¿Sabías esto?
  • Si tu are at home o feel at home en un lugar, significa que te sientes cómodo ahí. Esta frase también se usa figuradamente para indicar la sensación de seguridad al ser proficiente en una actividad. Por ejemplo: I will gladly join you for the cocktail party. I am very much at home discussing recent events with scholars and intellectuals.

home adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
a casa

Ejemplos de uso de
home adverb

  • She called home to say she would be late for dinner.
  • He's sending money home from a job overseas.
  • She is on her way home.
  • It's great to be back home.
  • I can't wait to come home.
  • He used a hammer to drive the nail home.

home verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
homed, has homed, is homing, homes
(militar) dirigir, dirigirse

home adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
local, de casa

Ejemplos de uso de
home adjective

  • She has a happy home life.
  • Please give us your home phone number.
  • What is your home address?
  • The team opens its home season in just two weeks.
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Frases relacionadas para home

Traducción inversa para home

casa  - house, building, home, household, family, company, firm 
hogar  - home, hearth, fireplace 
domicilio  - home, residence 
residencia  - residence, boarding house 
asilo  - asylum, refuge, shelter 
dirigir  (militar)
dirigirse  - to go towards, to speak to, to address 
local  - local