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1 Resultado de traducción para honest en español


honest adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
honesto, honrado

Ejemplos de uso de
honest adjective

  • He says that it's impossible to find an honest politician.
  • These criminals pose a danger to honest citizens.
  • He has an honest face.
  • Just give me an honest answer.
  • If you want my honest opinion, you should get a job.
  • To be perfectly honest, I don't want to go.
  • He gave us a painfully honest account of his childhood.
  • It was an honest error.
  • He still goes to the office every morning and puts in an honest day's work.

Sinónimos de
honest adjective

Sinónimos detallados para honest adjective

Ver: Upright
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Traducción inversa para honest

honesto  - decent, virtuous, honest, honorable 
honrado  - honest, upright, honored, righteous