Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para informed en español

adjective | verb

informed adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
informado, instruido

Ejemplos de uso de
informed adjective

  • Informed sources told us of the new policy.
  • We need to spend more time researching our options so that we can make an informed choice.

inform verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
informed, has informed, is informing, informs
informar, notificar, avisar

Ejemplos de uso de
inform verb

  • The book will entertain and inform you.
  • The arresting officer failed to inform the suspect of his rights.
  • He failed to inform the suspect that he had the right to remain silent.
  • We haven't yet been informed of her decision.
  • Frequent reports from the battlefield kept the general informed about how the attack was progressing.
  • The book will both entertain and inform.
  • His Catholic upbringing informs all his writing.

Sinónimos de
inform verb

Sinónimos detallados para inform verb

Inform, acquaint, apprise, notify, tell significan hacer a uno consciente de algo.
  • Inform indica el impartir conocimiento, sobre todo de datos o hechos que son necesarios para entender un asunto, o que pueden servir de base a la acción <informed us of the crisis>.
  • Acquaint pone énfasis en la introducción o en la familiarización <acquainted herself with the rules of the game>.
  • Apprise indica el comunicar algo de interés o importancia especial para el que lo recibe <his aides apprised him of the situation within hours>.
  • Notify indica la comunicación formal de algo que requiere de atención o que exige tomar acción <notified them when the next payment was due>.
  • Tell simplemente significa expresar en palabras o informarle a alguien <tell me when the package arrives>.
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Frases relacionadas para informed

Traducción inversa para informed

informado  - informed 
informar  - to report, to inform 
notificar  - to notify, to inform 
avisar  - to notify, to inform, to advise, to warn