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1 Resultado de traducción para injure en español


injure verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
injured, has injured, is injuring, injures
herir, lesionar; lastimar, dañar

Ejemplos de uso de
injure verb

  • She fell and injured herself.
  • She fell and slightly injured her arm.
  • Several people were badly injured in the accident.

Sinónimos de
injure verb

Sinónimos detallados para injure verb

Injure, harm, hurt, damage, impair, mar, wound significan afectar a alguien o algo para despojarlo de su integridad o fuerza o reducir su valor, utilidad o efectividad.
  • Injure indica el infligir algo que es perjudicial al aspecto, comodidad, salud o éxito de alguien <injured by a fall on his stairs>.
    antonyms: aid
  • Harm recalca a menudo el infligir dolor, sufrimiento o pérdida <careful not to harm the animals>.
    antonyms: benefit
  • Hurt indica el infligir una herida al cuerpo o a los sentimientos <hurt by her harsh remarks>.
    antonyms: benefit
  • Damage connota el infligir un agravio que reduce el valor o la utilidad <the table had been damaged in shipping>.
    antonyms: repair
  • Impair connota el hacer menos completo o eficiente como resultado del deterioro o disminución <years of smoking had impaired his health>.
    antonyms: improve, repair
  • Mar se aplica al afeamiento o mutilación que estropea la perfección o el bienestar <a good translation marred by several serious errors>.
  • Wound implica lesionar mediante un corte en un cuerpo o al causar dolor emocional <losing the game to a woman wounded his pride>.
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Traducción inversa para injure

herir  - to injure, to wound, to hurt, to offend 
lesionar  - to injure, to wound 
lastimar  - to hurt, to injure, to offend 
dañar  - to damage, to spoil, to harm, to hurt