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1 Resultado de traducción para landed en español
landed, has landed, is landing, lands
desembarcar (pasajeros de un barco), hacer aterrizar (un avión); aterrizar, tomar tierra, atracar; pescar, sacar (un pez) del agua; posarse; conseguir, ganar; dar, asestar
Ejemplos de uso de
•The plane landed on the runway.
•We watched the seaplanes landing on the water.
•The bird landed in a tree.
•A butterfly landed on the flower.
•Our flight was scheduled to land in Pittsburgh at 4:00.
•It was raining heavily at the airport when we landed.
•The pilot was able to land the plane on the runway.
•The golf ball landed in the trees.
•I could not see where the ball landed.
•The cat fell from the tree but landed on its feet.
- to dock, to land, to hold up, to rob, to mug
- to fish, to go fishing, to fish for, to catch, to get a hold of, to land
sacar del agua (un pez)- to kick off (in soccer or football), to pull out, to take out, to get, to obtain, to serve (in sports), to get out, to extract, to stick out, to bring out, to pull off, to introduce
- to land, to light, to perch, to settle, to rest
- to get, to obtain, to achieve, to attain, to manage to
- to win, to win, to gain, to profit, to earn, to acquire, to obtain
- to give, to suffice, to be enough, to deliver, to hand over, to hit, to strike, to yield, to produce, to perform, to give off, to emit
- to aim, to point (a weapon), to deliver, to deal (a blow)
Quick Quizzes:Vocabulario de oficina 2
The app launched with many bugs because someone in quality assurance dropped the ball.