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2 Resultados de traducción para lodging en español

noun | verb

lodging noun

unfavorite favorite

Ejemplos de uso de
lodging noun

  • There is gas, food, and lodging at the next highway exit.
  • food and lodging are two of the largest expenses of living in the city

lodge verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
lodged, has lodged, is lodging, lodges
posarse, meterse; hospedar, alojar; hospedarse, alojarse; presentar

Ejemplos de uso de
lodge verb

  • The workers were lodged in temporary camps.
  • The refugees needed to be lodged and fed.
  • We lodged at the resort.
  • The bullet lodged in his brain.
  • The bullet lodged itself in his brain.
  • The group has lodged a grievance.

Sinónimos detallados para lodge verb

Ver: Harbor, Reside

Traducción inversa para lodging

alojamiento  - lodging, accommodations 
posarse  - to land, to light, to perch, to settle, to rest 
meterse  - to get into, to enter, to meddle, to jump in 
hospedar  - to provide with lodging, to put up 
alojar  - to house, to lodge 
hospedarse  - to stay, to lodge 
alojarse  - to lodge, to room 
presentar  - to present, to show, to offer, to give, to submit (a document), to launch (a product), to introduce (a person) 
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