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2 Resultados de traducción para narrow en español

adjective | verb

narrow adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
estrecho, angosto; estricto, limitado

Ejemplos de uso de
narrow adjective

  • The city's ancient streets are too narrow for buses.
  • We crossed at the narrowest part of the river.
  • His shoulders are very narrow.
  • within the narrow limits allowed by law
  • They offer a narrow range of flavors: chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.
  • the study's narrow focus on 30-year-old men
  • The study was narrow in scope.
  • a narrow view of politics

Sinónimos de
narrow adjective

narrow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
narrowed, has narrowed, is narrowing, narrows
estrechar, angostar; estrecharse, angostarse; restringir, limitar

Ejemplos de uso de
narrow verb

  • The path was narrowed by overgrowth.
  • His eyes narrowed as he focused on the words in front of him.
  • The vase narrows at its top.
  • narrowing the range of options
  • You'll need to narrow the focus of your paper to one central idea.
  • The gap between their salaries was beginning to narrow.

Sinónimos de
narrow verb

Frases relacionadas para narrow

Traducción inversa para narrow

estrecho  - tight, narrow, close 
angosto  - narrow 
estricto  - strict, severe 
limitado  - limited, dull, slow-witted 
estrechar  - to narrow, to tighten, to strengthen (a bond), to hug, to embrace 
angostar  - to narrow 
restringir  - to restrict, to limit 
limitar  - to limit, to restrict