Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para nest en español

noun | verb

nest noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
nido (de un ave), avispero (de una avispa), madriguera (de un animal); nido, refugio; juego

Ejemplos de uso de
nest noun

  • The bird built a nest out of small twigs.
  • If you look closely, you can see a nest in that tree.
  • They lived in a cozy little nest in the suburbs.

Sinónimos de
nest noun

nest verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
nested, has nested, is nesting, nests

Ejemplos de uso de
nest verb

  • Robins nested in the tree.
  • She studied the nesting habits of the turtle.
  • The set of four chairs can nest into one stack.
  • The smaller bowl is designed to nest inside the larger one.

Frases relacionadas para nest

Traducción inversa para nest

nido  (de un ave) - nest, hiding place, den 
avispero  (de una avispa) - wasps' nest 
madriguera  (de un animal) - burrow, den, lair 
nido  - nest, hiding place, den 
refugio  - refuge, shelter 
juego  - play, playing, game, sport, gaming, gambling, set 
anidar  - to nest, to shelter, to make one's home, to dwell 
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