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merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para nosing en español


nose verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
nosed, has nosed, is nosing, noses
entrometerse, meter las narices; olfatear; avanzar poco a poco; empujar con el hocico; mover poco a poco

Ejemplos de uso de
nose verb

  • The horse nosed my hand.
  • Some animal must have nosed the lid off the garbage can.
  • The dog nosed the door open.
  • The dogs were nosing around in the garbage.
  • The boat nosed around the bend.
  • I nosed my car into the parking space.
  • The car nosed its way into the street.

Sinónimos de
nose verb

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Traducción inversa para nosing

entrometerse  - to interfere, to meddle, to cut in, (informal) to butt in 
olfatear  - to sniff, to sense, to sniff out