Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para noticed en español


notice verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
noticed, has noticed, is noticing, notices
notar, observar, advertir, darse cuenta de

Ejemplos de uso de
notice verb

  • She noticed a smell of gas.
  • You didn't notice that I got my hair cut.
  • She noticed me leaving the meeting early.
  • I noticed an error in the book.
  • The problem was first noticed several days ago.

Sinónimos detallados para notice verb

Ver: See

Traducción inversa para noticed

notar  - to notice, to tell 
observar  - to observe, to watch, to notice, to obey, to abide by, to remark, to comment 
advertir  - to warn, to notice, to tell 
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