Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para observed en español


observe verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
observed, has observed, is observing, observes
mirar; observar, obedecer; celebrar, guardar (una práctica religiosa); comentar

Ejemplos de uso de
observe verb

  • The class will be observing the movements of fish.
  • The patient must be observed constantly.
  • Children learn by observing their parents and others.
  • The new teacher will give the lesson today and the principal will observe.
  • We observed a large flock of birds heading north.
  • He observed two children playing with marbles on the street corner.
  • She observed that every man in the room had removed his hat.
  • Few cases of the disease have been observed in humans.

Sinónimos detallados para observe verb

1. Observe, celebrate, commemorate significan marcar u honrar un día, una ocasión o una hazaña.
  • Observe connota el marcar la ocasión con actos o rituales obligatorios, llevados a cabo con mucha ceremonia <not all holidays are observed nationally>.
    antonyms: break, violate
  • Celebrate connota el reconocer una ocasión con gran festejo <traditionally celebrates the New Year with fireworks>.
  • Commemorate connota el marcar una ocasión con observancias que traen a la memoria el origen y la significancia <commemorated the battle with a ceremony every year>.
2. Ver: Remark, See

Traducción inversa para observed

mirar  - to look, to look at, to face, to overlook, to watch, to consider, to think over 
observar  - to observe, to watch, to notice, to obey, to abide by, to remark, to comment 
obedecer  - to obey, to obey 
celebrar  - to be glad, to celebrate, to hold (a meeting), to say (Mass), to welcome, to be happy about 
guardar  (una práctica religiosa) - to guard, to maintain, to preserve, to put away, to save, to keep (a secret or promise) 
comentar  - to comment on, to discuss, to mention, to remark